Welcome to TAIGEAR, a direct supplier of outdoor sports gear for Airsoft and Paintball Players.
All products we make are for airsoft and paintball sports only.
We use high grade material and high-tech specialized machines for extra reinforcement and reliability for all the best outdoor sports gear we make. We have a group of design and engineering team working over time searching for better support and better comfort of the user to achieve the best results. We offer you full lines of products with superior and reliable quality that you can count on for daily duty.
Our main products are vests, holsters, pouches, belts, packs, bags, helmets, knee and elbow pads for airsoft and paintball as well as other outdoor gear.
OEM and ODM are welcomed. If you have special need, you can send us samples or provide designs. We will be more than happy to work for you.
If you are interested in getting more information or have questions about our products and services, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@taigear.com.